A glimpse of me
I am a lesbian neurodivergent artist. My thoughts don't always follow a linear path or fit in the box, and my creations can be as chaotic and disjointed as my thoughts.
Throughout an artist's life many things influence their style- their life experiences, and the influences of peers, teachers, parental figures, and even strangers all leave imprints on us that emerge through our art. Sometimes a life path is more about UN-becoming who others made us, to allow our true light to shine. The one place I always find inspiration is in nature and all it displays.
Music plays a huge part in my creative process. I may listen to a song on repeat for hours as it lends its energy to feed the feelings of expression. Conversely, I may also have the most random mix of music playing and glide from thought to thought.
Some of my favorite artists include M.C. Escher, Julie Bell, Josephine Wall, Susan Boulet, and Bob Ross. I mean really, who doesn’t love happy little trees.
Art is not just to make a living, creating art IS living. Creating is breathing, feeling, and being, it is emotion that manifests into shapes, forms, and colors.
I have followed a long and winding path to get here.
I started creating around 1970. It may have only been crayon scribbled on paper, but it was my beginning. Now 5 decades later I am finally allowing myself to pursue my passion full time. I hope you enjoy.